Release History
Version 0.7.1 (2022.09.16.)
Query for oversamplers with proportion parameter added.
Version 0.7.0 (2022.09.11.)
optimization of the parallelized evaluation framework
final clean-up after refactoring
Version 0.6.0 (2022.08.20.)
vectorized implementations for most of the techniques to boost performance
a refactored and improved evaluation and model selection toolkit
100% test coverage
10.0 PEP8 conformancy (by pylint)
polynom_fit_SMOTE split to 4 different techniques
Version 0.5.0 (2022.07.05.)
heavy restructuring
minor bug fixes
addition of metric learning capabilities
Version 0.4.0 (2020.07.02.)
code refactored to fulfil PEP8 standards
minor bug fixes
Version 0.3.2 (2019.07.28.)
added for compatibility with`sklearn`
.New example code added illustrating the use of
fixed by adding the`deep`
Version 0.3.0 (2019.01.10.)
Stable release containing 85 oversamplers and model selection features.
Version 0.0.1 (2018.12.06.)
Initial release.